
Smart Agro is an equal opportunity employer.

People development

Our team is young, energetic and motivated. The employees are committed to maintain Smart Agro leadership. Our Performance Management Systems helps in maintaining our position by ensuring constant learning and development of our employees by keeping them abreast with the ever changing environment. An aggressive Training Schedule is identified for all individuals based on a vigorous assessment carried out over the year- each year leading to an overall development. The training focus is on Technical as well as soft skills.

We have a structured Performance Management System in place that helps in effectively monitoring the performance of our employees. The framework is given below:

1. Goal setting (Performance Planning)
2. Mid Year Review and Counselling / Training
3.End Year Appraisal
4.Management Actions for Rewards, Recognitions, Promotions,
Job Rotations, further Training and Development etc.

Smart Agro targets 100% of its employees to be involved in its continuous improvement activities. These initiatives or platforms are available for employees to team up or to individually champion any improvement project. The platforms comprise Cross Functional Teams, Quality Circles, Small Group Activities, Suggestions Schemes, Individual Improvement Projects, Company/ Family interfaces and more.